November 25, 2024

Two simple ideas to keep the kids occupied while in lockdown

keeping kids busy with artwork

We’re all spending much more time at home at the moment, which means we have to come up with new ways to keep the children entertained.

While most schools are sending out work, and we are inundated with lists of home education apps, there have been more resources on hand to keep our children learning.

Art with Pebbles

Pebble artwork has been a significant thing over recent decades, with people decorating rocks and leaving them in parks and other places for people to find.

Given the current climate, people aren’t sharing them at the moment, but that isn’t stopping families having lots of fun decorating them.

Something as straightforward as a field trip to find the rocks does the trick. Kids love decorating them however they want, some making funny faces out of them.

If you want them to last longer outdoors, then you’d be better off with acrylic paint coated with varnish to provide an extra layer of protection.

An Alphabet game

Now this one couldn’t be simpler, and it’ll get them practising their spelling without them even knowing.

Basically, pick any subject like girls’ names, boys’ names or chocolate bars, and they must write down one for every letter of the alphabet. You could even get the kids to see who can do it the quickest if you are able to manage the fallout that is.